Materialise Offers Inaugural Pyramid Awards

Celebrates 15th anniversary of Magics Software by offering awards for most innovative and creative RP&M software use.

Celebrates 15th anniversary of Magics Software by offering awards for most innovative and creative RP&M software use.

By DE Editors

Materialise NV (Leuven,Belgium) will celebrate its 15th anniversary of Magics Software development by offering the inaugural edition of the Materialise Pyramid Awards for 2008. The awards will pay tribute to the most outstanding applications of its RP&M software, using either Magics or 3-matic software.

All Magics and 3-matic users are invited to submit a case describing their most innovative and creative use of the software in the field of RP&M. Candidates can file their case in one of two categories, either applications of Magics software, or applications of 3-matic software. The most creative and groundbreaking software applications will be selected to win prizes. The winner in each category will receive a check worth 2,000 Euro. Runners-up win 1,000 Euro, and third place winners receive an .MGX design lamp.

After evaluation by a jury, the winners will be announced at the Materialise Innovation Forum on September 17 and 18, 2008 in Leuven, Belgium. This stimulating two day conference will feature a wide range of sessions in the field of additive manufacturing and computer aided engineering (CAE).

“Over the past 15 years our customers have been extremely ingenious in applying our software to tackle an ever more diverse set of challenges. Our Pyramid Awards are a way to praise these users for their resourcefulness and for constantly challenging us in developing more specialized software solutions,” says Wim Michiels, Vice President Materialise Software. “By means of these Awards we hope to stimulate an open minded use of our software and to further increase innovation in additive manufacturing.”

All information about the Materialise Pyramid Awards, as well as an application form can be found at Materialise. In order to be able to win one of the prizes, papers must be received before July 14th,  2008.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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