Manufacturing Technology Producers Greet Economic News with Cautious Optimism

U.S. manufacturing activity slowed less than expected in July.

U.S. manufacturing activity slowed less than expected in July.

By DE Editors

Manufacturing technology suppliers reacted with cautious optimism over reports that Ford posted the first sales gain in two years and that U.S. manufacturing activity slowed less than expected in July. But that’s not to say that tough times are over for the manufacturing industry.

“This country’s manufacturing sector shrunk at the lowest rate in a year. That’s hardly great news,” insisted Doug Woods, president of AMT—The Association For Manufacturing Technology.  “While we hope the July numbers represent a slowdown to the freefall our members have suffered over the past year, there is still a very long road ahead before most of them breathe easier.

Most experts agreed that the Ford turnaround could be largely attributed to the wildly popular Cash-For-Clunkers program. Still, Woods is hopeful. 

“At least we can see a bottom to this business cycle,” he said. “Maybe Ford’s long awaited return to profitability and the small headway made in manufacturing foreshadows an end is near to the worst single year decline in our industry’s history.” 

For more information, visit AMT.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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