Make Meshes Solid

Solids from meshes returns control over manipulation tools to you.

Solids from meshes returns control over manipulation tools to you.

By DE Editors

SYCODE (Panaji, India) has released the latest version of Mesh To Solid2.0, a tool that, as it names implies, converts meshes to solids.Version 2.0 comes with a free commercial license of IntelliCAD, afull-featured CAD system compatible with AutoCAD.

Mesh to Solid is said to address the problem that most solid modelingapplications do not provide tools to manipulate or modify mesh objects,and, frequently, they do not offer a way to convert a mesh into a solidto begin with. Thus, such solid modeling operations such as Booleanoperations (add, subtract, intersect), extrude, offset, fillet,chamfer, rib, draft, shell, and hollow are not available to you. Meshto Solid eliminates these problems by giving you the ability to readmesh objects in 3dm (OpenNURBS), OBJ (Wavefront), and STL(stereolithography) file formats and save solid data in ACIS (SAT) andOpenNURBS (3dm) file formats.

Mesh To Solid is said to be user friendly and easy to understand: Youopen a mesh file using the File Open dialog box and save it as a solidusing the File Save As dialog box.

Version 2.0 comes with numerous enhancements and bug fixes. OBJ and 3DMfiles containing more than one object are treated differently. Eachobject is imported as a separate mesh. In the previous version,multiple objects were combined into a single mesh on import.

Mesh To Solid is priced at $195, including IntelliCAD. For detailed information about Mesh To Solid 2.0, click here.


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