Luxion Unveils KeyShot 4.1

Includes new focused caustics and procedural textures options.

Includes new focused caustics and procedural textures options.

Luxion announced KeyShot 4.1, which includes user interface improvements, LiveLinking between KeyShot and 3D modeling applications, physical lights, color libraries and advanced Pro features like view sets and render passes.

Focused caustics add the ability for users to accurately represent light passing through materials with speeds in the real-time render environment that allow the user to see both the results of the light’s reflection or refraction immediately. Users can quickly toggle focused caustic on or off in the KeyShot Project Settings.

Procedural textures is a new texture option with a variety of material appearance to create seamless textures across any surface. Through a simple selection on the material textures tab, users can define both type of procedural texture to use with an array of options specific to each. Six presets will come with KeyShot 4.1 including granite, leather, marble, noise (textures), noise (fractal) and wood.

Toon shading is a new non-photorealistic material type that allows users to apply solid colors, solid shading and contours to objects for a flat, cel shading appearance for use in concept presentation or illustration. Since it is a material type and not a render mode, it can be used along with other materials and comes with a wide array of settings for both shading and contour options.

For more information, visit Luxion.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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