LIVE Webcast: Understanding the “Cool” Factor in CFD

DE LIVE webcast with Autodesk on flow simulation (image courtesy of Autodesk).

DE LIVE webcast with Autodesk on flow simulation (image courtesy of Autodesk).

As IoT and other devices are being squeezed into tiny form factors, electronic designs are getting ever more complicated. So how can you keep your electronics from overheating?

In this LIVE webinar moderated by DE, Autodesk CFD guru Dave Graves discusses ways to optimize thermal performance by tweaking the following:

  • Air flow
  • Component Placement
  • Heat Sink Performance
  • Fan Placement

DATE: Tuesday, May 15, 2018

TIME: 2:00 pm ET/ 11:00 am PT

To register, go here.

Dave Graves, Autodesk, featured speaker for the webcast.

About Dave Graves, Autodesk

Dave has a mechanical engineering degree from NC State University and currently resides in Charlottesville, VA. He has spent the first part of his career in the design and manufacturing of Telecommunications equipment but has spent the last several years in the CAE industry. As a Sr. Application Engineer with Blue Ridge Numerics, Dave has over 10 years of product experience with what was formerly known as CFdesign, now know as Autodesk CFD.

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Kenneth Wong

Kenneth Wong is Digital Engineering’s resident blogger and senior editor. Email him at [email protected] or share your thoughts on this article at

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