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Lexumo Selected for MIT Industry-Ready” Accelerator Program”

The company develops an automated service for IoT monitoring.

Lexumo, a developer of an automated service for monitoring Internet of Things and embedded code for open source vulnerabilities, has been accepted to the MIT STEX25 Industry-Ready Startup accelerator program.

Lexumo uses graph analytics and machine learning developed for DARPA to precisely identify public vulnerabilities such as Heartbleed in IoT and embedded code, the company states.

STEX25 is an accelerator managed by MIT Startup Exchange and its parent, the MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP), and is focused on fostering collaboration between MIT-connected startups and ILP member companies.

“To gain competitive advantage, all organizations are now transforming into digital businesses and leveraging cloud, mobile and IoT technologies,” said Brad Gaynor, Ph.D., CTO and co-founder of Lexumo. “At the same time, they’re taking advantage of reusable open source in order to innovate faster and gain efficiencies. We look forward to collaborating with MIT ILP companies to help them adopt the best open source available while continuously ensuring the security and privacy of their customers.”

For more information, visit Lexumo.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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