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Level 5 Communications Research

By DE Editors

Level 5 CommunicationsResearch, a division of Level 5 Communications, Inc., was establishedas an in-house resource, and is available to help agencies andadvertisers maximize the impact of their marketing communications. Through Level 5 Communications Research, Desktop Engineering offers you a comprehensive selection of high-quality research. By using Level 5 Communications‘s key asset—our Desktop Engineering subscriber database—or your key asset (your clients) combined with our industry knowledge and market awareness, Level 5 Communications Research can help you identify areas of growth or discern major shifts in your markets. Level 5 Communications Research helps marketers better understand their customers needs and what they seek and want to purchase. Level 5 Communications Research is ready to help you develop more effective communications strategies by evaluating research. In addition Level 5 CommunicationsResearch conducts annual market studies of four major industries andpublishes executive summaries that are available for purchase. Market Research Options Industry Studies
Annual studies on four major industries (Workstations, Analysis, DataAcquisition, and MCAD) are conducted and benchmarked each year throughLevel 5 Communications
Research.These studies reveal fluctuations in rapidly changing environments, andhelp identify plans to purchase, budget amounts, system configurationsand requirements, who develops project specifications, and a variety ofother valuable insights.
Custom Market Studies Custom market studies can investigatethe buying process and plans to purchase in your specific market,identifying core competitors and intended purchasers, awareness of yourproducts, and preferred products in your market category. As athird-party research company, Level 5 Communications Research willprovide results that are honest and unbiased—so you can direct yourmarketing objectives accordingly.

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