Legislation Would Create a Competitive Grant Program for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education

Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Dean Kamen presented the bill.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Dean Kamen presented the bill.

By DE Editors

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen has unveiled legislation to create a competitive grant program for non-traditional science, technology,  engineering, and math (STEM) educational programs alongside New Hampshire inventor and entrepreneur Dean Kamen. 

STEM-related fields are expected to be the fastest growing occupations of the next decade, however not enough students in the United States are pursuing an education in STEM fields to keep up with the increase in demand in the workforce.  Shaheen’s Innovation Inspiration School Grant Program legislation would try to address that shortage by increasing access to and participation in STEM programs across the country.  Shaheen and Kamen were joined at the event in Manchester by mentors and students from the FIRST robotics science and technology program as well as alumni who are currently working in engineering.  FIRST,  which was founded by Kamen, is an example of the type of program that would be eligible for grants under Shaheen’s legislation.

“American students must have access to better STEM training and mentors in the field if they are going to be able to compete in today’s global economy.  The legislation we introduced addresses that need,” said Shaheen.  “STEM-related fields will offer some of the best career opportunities for our students and by preparing our young people for these jobs we can help position our economy to grow for years to come.”

According to Shaheen and Kamen, research has shown that students who participate in FIRST robotics program are more likely to attend college on a full-time basis compared to other students; are nearly two times as likely to major in a science or engineering field; and are significantly more likely to achieve a post-graduate degree.  Shaheen’s legislation, which would establish the Innovation Inspiration School Grant Program, provides funding to states and school districts to help bolster student access to quality non-traditional STEM programs like FIRST. The bill also requires the schools to partner with community businesses and organizations that can provide mentors who are working in the STEM fields to assist and guide those interested students.

“It is essential that our workforce is trained in science,  technology, engineering, and math education programs in order to compete in this global economy,” said Kamen. “The legislation Senator Shaheen has put forward will help us give young people better access to non-traditional STEM programs, and encourage students to pursue higher education and a career in science and technology.  Senator Shaheen has been a committed and enthusiastic supporter of FIRST since the beginning, both as Governor of New Hampshire and as a member of the United States Senate, and I would like to thank her for her continued leadership. I look forward to continuing our work at FIRST to produce the next generation of science and technology leaders.”

This legislation establishes the Innovation Inspiration School Grant Program within the Department of Education.  School districts, and high schools—if the district chooses not to participate—are eligible to apply.

The Goals of the grant program are to:

  • Provide opportunities for high schools to support non-traditional STEM education teaching methods
  • Support participation of students in non-for-profit STEM competitions, such as robotics
  • Foster innovation and broaden access to careers in STEM
  • Encourage collaboration among students, engineers, and professional mentors to design, build, program and compete in challenges with sophisticated robots.

Grant money can be used for the purchase of parts to support team STEM competitions; to provide incentives or stipends for teachers; to support costs related to regional and national competitions; and for additional materials and support for a team such as equipment or facility use.

Applications will be reviewed by the Secretary of Education.  In addition to explaining how the participant will use the money described above, the applications also must address how the applicant will meet the overall goals of the program and create an evaluation process.

The grants are competitive and preference will be given to rural or urban schools, schools in low-income areas, or to low-performing schools.

The schools or district is required to provide a 50% match to the grant from non-Federal sources.  A waiver for the match is available if providing the funds would cause serious financial hardship.

Two percent of the grant can go to the administrative costs incurred in running the program by the school or school district.

The secretary will retain one percent of the funding for a communications and outreach program and an evaluation program.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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