LEDAS Implements Variational Direct Modeling in KOMPAS-3D

ASCON and LEDAS team up for implementation of direct modeling technology.

ASCON and LEDAS team up for implementation of direct modeling technology.

By DE Editors

ASCON and LEDAS Ltd. have jointly announced their cooperative implementation of variational direct modeling technology in KOMPAS-3D. Upon the completion of the project in 2012, KOMPAS-3D the companies say users will be able to import and modify history-free 3D models. Users will be able to add geometric and dimensional constraints (parallelism, perpendicularity, distance, angle, and so on) to the model without maintaining a history, which enables them to make changes to the 3D model using only constraints.

The new capabilities exploit a set of component technologies, including VDM from Bricsys (based on the LGS 3D constraint solver), the solid modeling kernel developed by ASCON, and the APIs in KOMPAS-3D. The project began three months ago at LEDAS, led by a team of software engineers who have previously implemented variational direct modeling in software products such as SketchUp, RhinoWorks, and Bricscad V12.

For more information, visit ASCON and LEDAS Ltd.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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