Learn What ANSYS SpaceClaim Can Do for You

Today's Check it Out link offers you the opportunity to explore what ANSYS SpaceClaim is about in a way that works for you.

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It might have been 10 years ago today when I met SpaceClaim. It was less than a month away from its formal roll out. Mike Payne and Blake Courter, two of the founders and design industry hall of famers in my book, blew me away demoing what their new 3D direct modeling software could do. Simply put, SpaceClaim boldly went where no one had gone before. Today’s Check it Out link offers you the opportunity to explore what ANSYS SpaceClaim is about in a way that works for you.

Which begs the question: What is ANSYS SpaceClaim all about?

Well, the brief is that it’s a multipurpose 3D modeling platform. That means three things. One, you can create, edit and import, repair and export models. Two, it can handle diverse user needs throughout design, simulation, reverse engineering, 3D printing and manufacturing workflows. Three, while CAD mavens can leverage SpaceClaim to the hilt, it’s designed to make geometry manipulation easy, enabling you to focus on your engineering job and work faster without a bazillion hours of CAD training.

Which brings us to your first opportunity on the ANSYS SpaceClaim landing page. Smack dab in the middle is a short (3:42) video. Watch it.

What you get is a narrated, warp speed tour of the software. Quick demos give you a taste of how SpaceClaim works and how it fits into the product design through manufacturing process. The video hits on things like 2D conversion, 3D model design, applying skins to scanned data, importing third-party CAD files, simplifying models for analysis, making STL files for 3D printing watertight, prepping models for manufacturing, folding sheet metal and electronics.

Below the video is a button to request a trial download. A little further down, you can set up a formal online demonstration with a SpaceClaim engineer.

ANSYS SpaceClaim provides 10 different shapes for direct 3D lattice creation. Image courtesy of ANSYS Inc. ANSYS SpaceClaim provides 10 different shapes for direct 3D lattice creation. Image courtesy of ANSYS Inc.

But that trial download. It’s one of the fullest full-featured trial opportunities going. It includes technical support and access to online training. You get the STL prep module and KeyShot rendering as well as CAD data import/export packages for solutions like CATIA, Inventor, Solid Edge and SOLIDWORKS.

So what’s in ANSYS SpaceClaim for you? The answer depends on your gig. But “more productivity” works. Your best bet is to take in the video, map it to your pain points then get the trial and beat on it. Hit today’s Check it Out link and begin your exploration.

Thanks, Pal. – Lockwood

Anthony J. Lockwood

Editor at Large, DE

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Anthony J. Lockwood

Anthony J. Lockwood is Digital Engineering’s founding editor. He is now retired. Contact him via [email protected].

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