Large Format PolyJet Rapid Prototype Printer Latest from Stratasys

Eden500V is big and fast system with high resolution.

Eden500V is big and fast system with high resolution.

By DE Editors

Stratasys(Minneapolis, MN) recently introduced the Eden500V, the newestlarge-format PolyJet rapid prototyping system from Objet Geometries(Rehovot, Israel; and distributed in North America byStratasys.

Besides the PolyJet hallmarks of speed, detail, and surface smoothness,the Eden500V has a larger build envelope than previous models. Itmeasures 19.7 in. X 15.7 in. X 7.9 in. (500mm X 400mm X 200mm),permitting the construction of bigger models and multiple models to beproduced simultaneously. Four large material cartridges support thelarger builds so the machine can operate for longer periods beforeneeding attention.

New speed and resolutions settings allow users to match theseproperties to specific projects. In high-speed mode, the speedeffectively doubles that of previous PolyJet systems. This is achievedby reducing horizontal resolution to 30-microns (0.0011 in.). Thehigh-resolution setting of 16-micron (0.0006 in.) layers enables finedetail and surface finish. Both settings offer excellent quality, withan x and y resolution of up to 600 dpi.

Sealed liquid resin cartridges are inserted into the machine, whichthen uses only the amount needed to build the model. While each modellayer is built, it is simultaneously cured with UV light. Fully curedmodels are removed from the machine.

The Eden500V uses all available PolyJet materials, including theTranslucent, Vero, and Tango material lines. These lines offer featuresranging from general purpose, transparent resins to those with highstrength and excellent visualization features, and materials withrubber-like flexibility, in addition to other benefits.

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