Kubotek Tool Unlocks Geometry from Layers of Dumb Data

CAD users get flexible multiCAD model repair and editing environment.

CAD users get flexible multiCAD model repair and editing environment.

By DE Editors

Kubotek USA(Marlborough, MA) introduced REALyze, an integrated set of softwaretools developed to help engineers and designers understand and edit"dumb” geometry. Kubotek says it is bringing this product to market tohelp CAD/CAM professionals share imported models between disparate CADsystems in an effort to streamline the design and manufacturingprocess. REALyze has been developed to complement and coexist withpopular CAD platforms.

Engineers and designers need to be able to access and edit any file,regardless of its origin.  Time-to-market pressures are constantand there is no time to waste.  REALyze provides a dynamicenvironment in which designers and engineers, when confronted with amodel in an unfamiliar format, can access the model’s geometry in orderto work with the file and avoid having to recreate work. REALyze allowsdesigners to shortcut overall time to market.

CAD interoperability has been documented as a major issue in themanufacturing sector. Kubotek’s recent industry surveys(kubotekusa.com/products/survey_1) have shown that more than 75 percentof survey respondents receive fewer than half of external CAD models ina preferred format. Fifty percent of respondents said they needed touse three or more CAD tools per month. The cost of maintaining multiplesystems continues to rise.

REALyze takes advantage of the rich interoperability foundationdeveloped for Kubotek’s flagship KeyCreator software. This allowsREALyze to recognize geometric entities across proprietary formats,providing the basis for the product’s advanced translation and repaircapabilities. At its core, REALyze has the ability to perform geometricsearch and pattern and feature discovery.

The REAL architecture powers REALyze with the three essential elementsnecessary to fix models without recreating or attempting to translate afile’s entire history tree: translation, healing, and editingcapabilities. This is an important distinction for designers andengineers when time is of the essence. 

REALyze will belicensed as a single seat or enterprise concurrent use license. Theproduct is expected to begin shipping February 15, 2006. For moreinformation, visit kubotekusa.com.

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