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KeyShot Integrated With Solid Edge

Integration enables LiveLinking and faster creation of 3D visuals.

Integration enables LiveLinking and faster creation of 3D visuals.

Luxion announced the immediate availability of a custom developed plug-in that integrates KeyShot with Siemens PLM Software’s Solid Edge software. The plug-in is available free of charge from the KeyShot website.

With KeyShot, Solid Edge users now have the option to increase the quality of their photorealistic 3D renderings, animations and interactive visuals used in communicating concepts, delivering internal presentations, developing digital prototyping and creating sales or marketing visuals, the company says. The integration allows KeyShot to be launched directly from the Solid Edge interface, automatically sending both the design and all the assigned material appearances to KeyShot.

Through the speed of KeyShot’s real-time ray-tracing interface, further refinement of material assignments and lighting is quickly accomplished, and the changes are immediately displayed to the user. The plug-in implements LiveLinking, which allows users to integrate KeyShot into the product development process by pushing any changes to the Solid Edge design directly to KeyShot without losing any of the material assignments, animations, lighting and camera settings.

The integration also allows users to transfer material assignments to KeyShot for further development and for the creation of KeyShot animations or KeyShotVR’s, an interactive visual to present models on browsers or mobile devices.

For more information, visit Luxion.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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