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Kawasaki Heavy Industries Selects Aras for Enterprise PLM

The Innovator platform will help streamline product development and optimize costs for the multiple-industry company.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), a manufacturer of equipment for aerospace, energy, industrial equipment, power and shipping industries has chosen the Aras solution suite for enterprise product lifecycle management (PLM).

Kawasaki Turbofan The Kawasaki V25000 Turbofan Engine

KHI plans to implement Aras Innovator as a platform-as-a-service for maximum business agility, the company states. It will also leverage Aras as a unified service platform for new product development and optimizing costs between and within the company’s multiple business units.

“The challenge for our PLM system was to shorten the construction period and reduce costs in the whole KHI group,” said Yutaro Mishima, information planning department, corporate planning division of KHI. “With Aras, our business units can share process innovations with one another faster and greatly reduce outflow charges, all in a common system infrastructure that is easily tailored to each unit’s unique requirements.”

For more information, visit Kawasaki Heavy Industries.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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