JT Data Integrated with HOOPS Framework

HOOPS 3D application framework users can use JT data format.

HOOPS 3D application framework users can use JT data format.

By DE Editors

UGS Corp. (Plano, TX), a provider of PLM software and services, and Tech Soft 3D (TS3D; Berkeley, CA), a provider of graphics components to the CAD/CAM/CAE software industry, have completed an integration of TS3D’s HOOPS 3D Application Framework (HOOPS/3dAF) software with the software development toolkit (SDK) for UGS’ JT data format.

“The integration being announced today will provide significant benefits to HOOPS/3dAF users,” said Ron Fritz, managing partner for TS3D. “By joining the JT Open Program, Tech Soft 3D is offering existing HOOPS developers the ability to quickly extend their applications to create and consume JT with minimal impact to their existing code.”

The JT/HOOPS integration code will be made available for no charge to all HOOPS licensees. Interested developers may obtain the JT SDK by joining UGS’ JT Open program—a community of manufacturers, PLM suppliers, and academic institutions that supports and promotes the JT standard.

For more information regarding the integration, visit ugs.com or techsoft3d.com. Additional information about JT Open can be found at jtopen.com.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.


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