January 2006 - Readers Choice Award: Maplesoft

By DE Editors

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Maple Electronic Version Released

The electronic version of Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Maple is being called the definitive reference software and textbook for engineering mathematics by its publisher, Maplesoft (Waterloo, ONT). The release is the first electronic, interactive version in the classic series that features several books from multiple publishers all under the same title. The print version was published by Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA) in 2001.

The e-book is intended to be an essential resource for every engineering professional, student, and instructor. It provides complete coverage of all major areas of engineering mathematics. The author, Dr. Robert J. Lopez, is a renowned professor and Maple expert, who pioneered the instructional use of Maple for general and engineering mathematics.

The e-book features nine major subject areas, 48 chapters, and 273 section topics. There are modifiable examples and interactive graphs throughout. The text provides a logical arrangement of topics with many short self-contained sections for easy, direct access.

Price: $99. The e-book requires Maple 10. For more information and to get a list of Maple resellers, visit maplesoft.com.

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Maple from Maplesoft received the most votes in our October 2005 issue. Vote for your favorite product from the January 2006 issue at the end of the January Products section.  

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