IntelliCAD Update for Larger Drawings and Quality Images

Technology consortium says version 6.1 includes many enhancements.

Technology consortium says version 6.1 includes many enhancements.

By DE Editors

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium(Portland, OR) has released IntelliCAD 6.1, an update that boosts theperformance of redrawing, regenerating, and command line scrollingbetween 10 percent and 14 percent, while continuing to use its previousgraphics performance. With these enhancements, IntelliCAD can handlelarger drawings, and with a new rendering solution, allows users tocreate higher-quality and more photo-realistic images of models.

Both IntelliCAD Standard and IntelliCAD Professional include the newrendering solution, while some ITC members will provide additionalrendering capabilities with a complete set of materials, backgrounds,lighting options, and render settings.

IntelliCAD 6.1 also includes the ability to record sound clips andattach them to entities for playback at any time. Other enhancementsinclude new format options for multiline text and the ability to snapto hatch entities.

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the technology tocommercial members who provide end-user sales and support. Commercialmembers offer options such as VBA, Rendering, ACIS Solid Modeling,Raster Image Display, etc., and their own applications. For moreinformation and a list of vendors, click here.

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