Integrated Software to Unfolds Wireframe or Solid Models

ProFold creates accurate flat-patternlayouts from KeyCreator, CADKEY, or AutoCAD models

ProFold creates accurate flat-patternlayouts from KeyCreator, CADKEY, or AutoCAD models

By DE Editors

Engineers and designers who use KeyCreator 3.0 CAD software from Kubotek USA(Marlborough, MA; now be able to create accurate flat pattern layouts faster andeasier using the latest version of ProFold sheet metal unfoldingsoftware from Applied Production, Inc. (Milford, OH; There are three different levels: ProFold Solids, ProFold Wireframe, and ProFoldLite.

ProFold Solids unfolds solid models with a click of the mouse. Itstores your material and bend parameters in a database andautomatically applies this data to the bends in your part. Aninteractive tree displays all the bends of the part, allowing you tofine-tune the parameters for each bend. The tree is color-coded,letting you know if the data was found in your bend table as well aswhether the bend data is valid for that bend.

ProFold Wireframe, included with ProFold Solids, unfolds 3D wireframemodels of sheet metal parts. To save time in creating your models, itallows you to create a basic 3D model and then enhances the model byadding the material thickness geometry and creating arcs in the bendareas. Your model is then ready for the solidifying process. ProFoldWireframe creates a chart showing bend parameters, you can specify theK-factor, allowing ProFold to calculate the bend allowance, or you candirectly enter the bend allowance to be used. ProFold Lite is anentry-level program geared toward users whose parts are simple and havea limited number of bends.

ProFold enhances the sheet-metal capabilities of KeyCreator,complementing the geometry-based approach to design. ProFold simplifiesthe unfolding process, quickly developing the correct flat patternwhile remaining within the design file. There are also versions forCADKEY and AutoCAD. For more information, visit

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