Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies Wins First Ever IAMA Award

The company won the award for its AMBIT multi-task system.

The AMBIT tool system offers options for AM, probing, and CNC milling. Courtesy of HMT.

To most onlookers it appears that technology innovation has divided with more traditional subtractive methods on one side, and newer additive manufacturing (AM) methods on the other. It certainly is true that it’s more efficient to produce some parts using one technology or the other, but that doesn’t mean the two can’t mix.

Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies (HMT) has won the first ever International Additive Manufacturing Award (IAMA) for its AMBIT multi-task system. The AMBIT system converts existing CNC (computer numerically controlled) machines into hybrid manufacturing platforms capable of a number of different tasks, including AM through laser cladding.

The AMBIT tool system offers options for AM, probing, and CNC milling. Courtesy of HMT. The AMBIT tool system offers options for AM, probing, and CNC milling. Courtesy of HMT.

“Hybrid technology is exciting because it offers a new way to adopt additive manufacturing – as an upgrade to a CNC machine tool. Adding tool-changeable deposition heads to an existing CNC machine enables 3D printing of metal, without the need to buy a separate machine,” said Jason Jones, co-founder and CEO of HMT. “The combination of additive with machining offers new capabilities, including in-process finishing, that cannot be delivered by either technology independently.”

The IAMA is the result of a partnership between the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW - Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken), with media support from Gardner Business Media and VDI Nachrichten and sponsored by the European Machine Tool Association CECIMO, announced the annual IAMA at IMTS-The International Manufacturing Technology Show 2014.

“Additive manufacturing has the potential to revolutionize large portions of the production process. What began with the production of prototypes has become an autonomous technology that opens up entirely new options for producing complex parts, and it is increasingly combined with traditional processes,” said Wilfried Schäfer, VDW executive director. “The IAMA celebrates the pioneers and high-achievers in the additive field and helps foster a creative dialogue and build a solid international network.”

Below you’ll find a video demonstration of the AMBIT system.

Sources: IAMA, HMT

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John Newman

John Newman is a Digital Engineering contributor who focuses on 3D printing. Contact him via [email protected] and read his posts on Rapid Ready Technology.

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