HDR Light Studio Provides Real-Time Lighting Creation

Improve lighting of 3D computer-generated objects.

Improve lighting of 3D computer-generated objects.

By DE Editors

HDR Light Studio is a solution for lighting 3D computer-generated objects. The solution can also be used to augment existing HDRI maps with additional light sources and make local adjustments to exposure, color and saturation.

Interactive feedback on lighting design means allows users to light objects in minutes. The final render is also be calculated faster using a single HDRI for most, or all, of the lighting. HDR Light Studio allows users to create a large range of lighting effects. Image-based lighting can replicate direct and indirect lighting effects.
According to the company, HDR images will work in 99% of renderers. Users can also switch renderers.

For more information, visit HDR Light Studio.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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