Greenwave Systems Announces New IoT Platform

The company has also partnered with Quantenna to extend Wi-Fi capabilities.

Greenwave Systems, a provider of software and services for the Internet of Things (IoT), has introduced the AXON Platform for Conversational IoT.

AXON Platform for Conversational IoT is an end-to-end embedded and cloud-based IoT management solution for organizations looking to implement a voice interface in a variety of environments, including industrial, commercial and consumer segments, the company states.

The platform includes an architecture that has capabilities for an always-on, far-field voice interface that can access cloud services such as news, weather and Q&A, AXON Platform for Conversational IoT introduces new network features expected by carriers for HD Voice, media optimization, security and IoT end-point management.

In addition to revealing its latest product, Greenwave Systems has also partnered with Quantenna Communications and launched a carrier-grade full-duplex Wi-Fi range extender for whole-home coverage.

Utilizing Quantenna’s Wi-Fi technology, the full-duplex extender sports three individual RF radios to efficiently handle real-time applications that demand fast throughput, such as simultaneous 4K HD video streaming, VOIP calls, VR gaming, fast downloads and other applications, the company states.

“We are steadfast in our commitment to lead innovation towards user-friendly experiences that facilitate mass adoption of IoT,” said Martin Manniche, CEO of Greenwave Systems. “Our dedication to our trusted partners’ success drives us to provide them with fully designed solutions that are ready to deploy.”

For more information, visit Greenwave Systems.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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