Grapher 6 Offers Contour and 3D Surface Plots

Powerful upgrades in latest version of Grapher 2D and 3D graphing package.

Powerful upgrades in latest version of Grapher 2D and 3D graphing package.

By DE Editors

Golden Software Inc.(Golden, CO) has upgraded its Grapher 2D and 3D graphing package byincluding contour and 3D surface plots. According to Golden, Grapher 6users can create contours or a 3D surface using data from any x,y,zdata file, an existing Surfer grid file, or a USGS DEM file. Users cancolor-fill the plots, overlay contours on surface plots, or combinethem with other graph types to present their 3D data.

Two otherpowerful upgrades to Grapher 6 are the ability to automatically createand display variable confidence intervals on line/scatter plots and tocreate 2D vector plots. All told, Grapher 6 contains more than 100 newfeatures and enhancements.

Compatible with other software,Grapher 6 imports and exports data files in all popular formats, andits functionality can be integrated with any ActiveXAutomation-compatible software, says Golden Software. Visual Basic,C++, and Perl scripts can be used to call Grapher to automaterepetitive functions.

Price: $299; upgrades from previous Grapher versions, $99. For details, visit

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