Graebert GmbH Announces New App Store for DraftSight at SolidWorks World

Graebert Market For DraftSight brings range of new tools to Dassault Systèmes software.

Graebert Market For DraftSight brings range of new tools to Dassault Systèmes software.

By DE Editors

Graebert GmbH has developed the Graebert Market for DraftSight,  a new “App Store” for the DraftSight 2D drafting package co-developed by Graebert and Dassault Systèmes.

The Graebert Market for DraftSight represents a community-driven e-store where developers can promote, demonstrate and sell to the 300,000+ worldwide DraftSight users as a means to evaluate and purchase their products. The company says this announcement is a “call to developers” to begin porting their existing applications and plug-ins to DraftSight using the Graebert Developer Studio, available through Graebert.

While the market is expected to open to buyers in April of 2011, information about becoming a developer or a DraftSight customer can be found at Graebert is working with a number of international developers to have their solutions highlighted in the new market, which has support for 13 languages built-in to the storefront for worldwide deployment.

“As first pioneered by Apple in its business model for turning the iPhone into the single most popular mobile device, Graebert is now making DraftSight an extensible, modular platform that can be customized by users to meet their specific needs,” says Wilfried Graebert, founder and CEO of Graebert GmbH. “Through our market, we are also creating an active user community for DraftSight — a place where people can try out add-on applications and drafting aids to develop DraftSight into a complete productivity platform. Just as DraftSight created new possibilities for CAD drafting, we believe the Graebert Market for DraftSight will catalyze new innovations in software development, user/vendor interaction and application deployment.”

For more information, visit Graebert and Dassault Systèmes’ DraftSight.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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