Free TurboViewer v1 Offers 3D DWG Viewing on Android

Users can view AutoCAD files on mobile devices without an Internet connection.

Users can view AutoCAD files on mobile devices without an Internet connection.

By DE Editors

IMSI/Design announced that its free TurboViewer v1 app is available on the Android platform.
“It's no secret that Androids momentum has been astounding, stated Royal Farros, chairman and CEO of IMSI/Design. Just as we did in the iPad and iPhone world, were the first to bring native 3D DWG viewing to the exploding Android platform.”
The TurboViewer for Android includes fast, native 2D and 3D .DWG (Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT) and .DXF viewing; smooth multi-touch navigation while panning, zooming, and orbiting; the ability to restore saved AutoCAD views to quickly display the best vision of your design; support for AutoCAD linetypes to maintain visual fidelity; and Autosense 2D or 3D drawings to automatically set appropriate gesture navigation of a drawing or model.

The solution also does not require an Internet connection for remote field work.
For more information, visit IMSI/Design.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company's website.


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