Free SDK for 3D Navigators, 1 in a Series

3Dconnexion announces toolkit targets design and visualization developers.

3Dconnexion announces toolkit targets design and visualization developers.

By DE Editors

3Dconnexion (San Jose, CA) has announced a new SDK (softwaredevelopment kit) that enables 3D design and visualization developers toimplement support for the company’s line of 3D navigation devices,including the SpaceNavigator. The COM-based SDK version of the SDK forWindows is available immediately; the Macintosh version will beavailable on March 30. 3Dconnexion currently provides an SDK for Linux.

The 3Dconnexion COM-based SDK for Windows comes with instructions andexamples of application source code, as well as code samples in C+,Visual Basic, and Java. In addition, 3Dconnexion offers several supportresources exclusively for developers, including a developer’s forum anddedicated e-mail support.

To download 3Dconnexion’s COM-based SDK for Windows, click here.Program instructions, samples and support information are available toregistered participants by clicking here. 3Dconnexion currently provides an SDK for Linux.

Contact 3Dconnexion for further details.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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