FEMLAB Changes Name and Adds New Features in the Process

COMSOL Multiphysics 3.2 reads geometry files of all major CAD products, adds six new CAD import modules.

COMSOL Multiphysics 3.2 reads geometry files of all major CAD products, adds six new CAD import modules.

By DE Editors

COMSOL, Inc.(Burlington, MA) announced it was changing the name of FEMLAB to COMSOLMulitphysics in September and would concurrently release version 3.2 ofthe scientific modeling package.

COMSOL Multiphysics 3.2 reads geometry files of all major CAD products,adding six new CAD import modules, and includes COMSOL Script, a newcommand-line interface and technical-computing language for modeling.Script integrates seamlessly with COMSOL Multiphysics, but also runs onits own, with scripting capabilities and 500 commands for computationand visualization. When run within COMSOL Multiphysics, this newlanguage enables users to access all functions within the package orcall Script functions from within the Multiphysics GUI to define anyproperty of a model. They can also save work, conduct parametricstudies, and perform simulations.

New features include the ability to choose consistent units whensetting up a model to cut down on user errors, a Moving Mesh mode toeasily simulate geometries with moving parts, and geometricparametrization to describe geometry changes without setting up a loopin a script file.

For more information, visit comsol.com


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