FE-DESIGN TOSCA Structure 7.3 Released

Includes new graphical user interfaces for faster interaction within simulation, optimization process.

Includes new graphical user interfaces for faster interaction within simulation, optimization process.

FE-DESIGN announced the latest release of TOSCA Structure, a part of the TOSCA optimization suite. TOSCA Structure 7.3 comes with two new and substantially revised graphical user interfaces for easy and fast interaction within the simulation and optimization process, the company says.

With the new TOSCA ANSA environment (TAe), the solution addresses defining optimization tasks interactively on the FE-model. In the newly revised GUI, all new product features of TOSCA Structure are included, including extended functions like “mesh independent symmetry restrictions for shape optimization”.

The update also integrates the TOSCA Structure.topology into the ANSYS Workbench. TOSCA Extension for ANSYS Workbench is free of charge to customers with licenses for TOSCA Structure and ANSYS Workbench.

TOSCA Structure 7.3 contains additional new features for the design and optimization of lightweight, stiff and durable parts and assemblies within shorter development cycles.

For more information, visit FE-DESIGN.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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