FARO Adds Vision to Laser Tracker

New TargetCAM integrates video for improved measuring of large assemblies.

New TargetCAM integrates video for improved measuring of large assemblies.

By DE Editors

FARO Technologies, Inc.(Lake Mary, FL) has introduced the TargetCAM, a fully integratedwireless video camera, for use with its popular Laser Tracker X and Xi.

FARO’s Laser Trackers measure large parts and assemblies in 3D bytracking a laser beam reflected off of a handheld probe (target) thatthe user guides along the surface to be measured. In many applications,multiple targets are fixed on the parts. TargetCAM’s vision systemsupplies live video via wireless Ethernet. Its features include theability to easily find targets when the Tracker and targets are out ofthe user’s sight; set up a measurement session on a tool in seconds byclicking on each repeatability target in the camera view and thenmeasuring the location; identify obstructions in the Tracker’s line ofsight without entering the assembly area; and find targets mounted in"busy” locations.

The TargetCAM receives its power from the FARO Tracker, whicheliminates the need for external wires and a separate adapter or powersupply. Its wireless 802.11g camera offers a 40-degree field of vision,4x digital zoom, 704 x 480 view, and a bank of six, blinking infraredLEDs that illuminate all targets up to 80 feet away, making them easilyvisible in the viewfinder, even in cluttered areas. Clicking on thecenter of each target on the screen aims the Tracker directly at thetarget. The camera can also pan and zoom with the easy-to-use controlpanel.

TargetCAM is said to be easily integrated into CAM2 Measure and isfully compatible with any third-party software package. TargetCAM is aninstalled option for all new FARO Laser Tracker X and Xi models, whileretrofit kits are available for existing customers’ FARO Trackers,including Si models. For more information, visit faro.com.

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