EWI Acquires EOS Direct Metal Laser-Sintering System

Expands 3D metal printing services.

Expands 3D metal printing services.

EWI has acquired an EOS direct metal laser-sintering (DMLS) system, an additive manufacturing (AM) technology with the capacity to fuse metal powder into 3D components. The company will apply the EOSINT M 280 system to further advance AM technology and provide additional metal manufacturing solutions to OEMs and suppliers, the company says.

Through a joint partnership agreement, EWI will serve as a preferred materials development partner to EOS of North America to create new AM solutions from metal alloys. “This partnership is a natural fit,” said Tim Morris, vice president of EOS North America. “Our laser-sintering technology enables the manufacture of complex metallic components through laser joining, and EWI has a strong industry focus and critical expertise in process and materials interaction, as well as additive manufacturing.”

For more information, visit EWI and EOS.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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