Endevco Debuts Model 7246G Acceleramoter

Damped, low-mass DC response accelerometer designed for impact testing applications.

Damped, low-mass DC response accelerometer designed for impact testing applications.

By DE Editors

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Endevco Corporation has introduced Model 7264G, a damped MEMS accelerometer for crash sled, rough road, and other shock testing applications.

Model 7264G features a full bridge, with two fixed resistors to facilitate shunt calibration.

Sensing elements are housed within rugged, lightweight aluminum, for a total weight of just 1.4 grams. The light damping of Model 7264G enables the unit to attenuate resonance and minimize phase shift over the frequency range. Full scale output is 400 mV with 10 Vdc excitation. A micromachined monolithic sensor design offers improved ruggedness, stability and reliability, with added damping capability, according to the company.

The sensor delivers shock resistance of up to 10,000 g in any direction, with a range of +2,000 g full scale. With frequency response extending down to DC (steady state) and integral mechanical overrange stops, the accelerometer is suited for any crash or shock application where measurement of long duration transients, with minimal mass loading and broad frequency response, are required. This includes non-automotive applications, such as in shipping container shock tracking,  ejection seat, and jack hammer testing.

For more information, visit Endevco.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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