EGSolutions Launches DentalCAD 2012

EGSolutions will demonstrate its DentalCAD latest release at Euromold in Frankfurt, Germany.

EGSolutions will demonstrate its DentalCAD latest release at Euromold in Frankfurt, Germany.

By DE Editors

EGSolutions has announced the launch of the 2.0 release of DentalCad 2012, its solution for the dental market. DentalCAD is an application dedicated to designing and modeling crowns, pontics, anatomics, inlays, onlays, custom implants, implant bars, wax-ups and more. The new version will be exhibited for the first time at Euromold.

DentalCAD features several automated tools designed to assist users with modeling and suggest parameters at each stage of the workflow. These features include margin line detection, insertion detection, undercuts removal and internal surface correction based on the radius of the milling tool, margin line closure based on the anatomic shape provided by the library, and reduction of the anatomic with constraints to the minimum material thickness.

DentalCAD features a series of tools for deformation and sculpting (add/remove material, smooth, free formation, scale/rotate/pan) allowing dental technicians to digitally simulate the same activities they did manually in the past. Further, analysis tools can be applied to guide users through modeling constraints (prosthesis coloration based on the minimum material thickness, based on neighbors and antagonists proximity, gum contact area, etc.).

Although DentalCAD is integrated with DScan, it allows data to be imported from any 3D scanner by using the import module. Direct interfaces with 3D scanners are also possible to be developed based upon OEM partners’ requests. After completing the modeling prosthesis, the models are exported in STL open format for further processing with CAM software for milling and prototyping. DentalCad supports cemented, screwed single and pontic implants.

DentalCAD comes complete with its own module for defining and managing jobs, but it can also be integrated with third-party solutions. This allows OEM partners to use the job management solution of their choice, or even to develop a brand new internal solution that remain integrated with the CAD provided by EGSolutions.

For more information, visit EGSolutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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