EDEM CAE Tool Delivers Discrete Element Modeling Capabilities

The new products called EDEM for integrate with leading CAE software tools from ANSYS, MSC Software and Siemens and do not require any DEM expertise to use.

EDEM‘s new software is designed to make bulk material simulation accessible to all engineers using finite element analysis (FEA) and multi-body dynamics (MBD) software, in the design of heavy equipment, the company reports.

The new products called “EDEM for,” integrate with leading CAE software tools from ANSYS, MSC Software and Siemens and do not require any DEM expertise to use, the company notes. “EDEM for” will provide design engineers with a bulk material simulation system, which links with their MBD and FEA software, extending the capability of the host software and providing engineers with unique insights into how materials interact with their equipment.

Through “EDEM for,” design engineers working in the construction, off-highway, mining and heavy industry sectors, will no longer have to rely on hand calculations and assumptions to predict the effect of materials on their equipment, the company reports. It provides engineers with a library of thousands of material models, representing a wide range of real materials such as rocks, soils and ores. The database delivers information on the forces and material loads acting on equipment. All the analysis is then carried out by the host software, in an environment familiar to the engineer.

“With ‘EDEM for’ we are taking co-simulation to the next level by enabling engineers with no DEM knowledge to benefit from the key insights that this technology brings,” says  Richard LaRoche, chief executive officer of EDEM. “Our ultimate goal is to fully democratize DEM so it is available to all engineers, not just the experts.”

The first “EDEM for” includes EDEM for ANSYS, EDEM for Adams and EDEM for LMS Virtual.Lab Motion, with plans to include solutions for other MBD and FEA software packages in the future.

For more information, visit EDEM for CAE page.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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