Dyndrite Releases Voxel and Toolpathing APIs

Development of GPU-accelerated Voxel API brings accuracy and ability to create and manipulate massive datasets.

Development of GPU-accelerated Voxel API brings accuracy and ability to create and manipulate massive datasets.

Dyndrite Voxel Application Program Interface. Image courtesy of Dyndrite.

Dyndrite has released, along with other news, its new Voxel Application Program Interface (API). This new API enables software developers across scientific, sensor, engineering and manufacturing industries to create and manipulate massive data-rich voxel sets, the company says. 

“This is the first voxel manipulation tool hypertuned for the accuracy and resolution needed in modern scientific and engineering workflows, including digital manufacturing,” says Harshil Goel, CEO and founder, Dyndrite. “With the increasing sophistication of CT scanners, MRIs and additive manufacturing print heads, developers require more powerful tools to realize the full capabilities and resolution of their hardware.”

The Dyndrite Voxel API is a new element of the Dyndrite accelerated geometry engine that delivers performance, portability, scalability and repeatability for digital manufacturing OEMs and ISVs building next-generation solutions. It incorporates a hybrid geometry kernel driven by NVIDIA GPUs and is accessible via an integrated Python API. Dyndrite enables the development of CAD-to-print workflows.

“Voxels are the language for a growing number of high-speed additive manufacturing processes and devices—especially those aimed at production,” says Gareth Neal, customer applications manager & 3D Specialist at Xaar PLC. “We need ways and methods to quickly create, enrich and prepare data for output. The Dyndrite Voxel API is a standout solution that could provide those outcomes.”

The Dyndrite Voxel API is finding early success in the manufacturing sectors and is currently being explored for related use cases and applications that could benefit from a hyper-performance Voxel API. 

To learn more about Dyndrite, and how to develop on the Dyndrite Engine click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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