Dyndrite and BCN3D Collaboration to Power Production-Oriented System

Collaboration to bring users high-performance end-use resin part printing with GPU-powered automated production software, companies report.

Collaboration to bring users high-performance end-use resin part printing with GPU-powered automated production software, companies report.

BCN’s new VLM System powered by Dyndrite enables durable resin-based AM production. Image courtesy of BCN3D and Dyndrite.

Dyndrite, provider of a GPU-accelerated computation engine used to create digital manufacturing hardware and software, and BCN3D, a 3D printing solutions manufacturer, have reported that the first generation of VLM (viscous lithography manufacturing) systems will be powered by Dyndrite's software. 

BCN3D introduced Viscous Lithography Manufacturing (VLM) in March of 2022, a lithography-based 3D printing process that uses high-viscosity resins to produce high-performance parts rapidly and affordably.  VLM can process a range of resins, allowing formulations with a wider range of ingredients and modifiers to achieve challenging thermal and mechanical properties, the company reports. BCN3D partners with Arkema and Henkel to provide various material properties and applications. To date over 500 companies have registered as early adopters through VLM Technology Adoption Program (VLM TAP).

Dyndrite provides an accelerated computation engine (ACE) and Application Development Kit (ADK) to hardware and software vendors creating digital manufacturing solutions. Its GPU-powered toolkit enables the creation of next-generation solutions that support large datasets, provide high-resolution output, and automated print preparation. Its core environment provides Python APIs for scriptable Build Recipes and 3rd party app integration. A plug-in mechanism enables 3rd-party extensions to the Dyndrite base capabilities.

BCN3D, through its Technology Adoption Program, has gained insights into numerous multi-material, multi-property, and water-soluble applications from engineers across various industries. 

During the second quarter of 2023, BCN3D is commencing dispatching the initial VLM systems to designated participants of the VLM TAP. 

“BCN3D is thrilled to announce our collaboration with Dyndrite, which marks a momentous occasion for VLM. This step forward will enable customers of the Technology Adoption Program to precisely focus on productivity-oriented applications,” says Roger Antunez, general manager of BCN3D. “By coupling this technology with Dyndrite's advanced software, we believe it will grant manufacturers full control over every stage of their production process”

“We’ve been following the VLM technology since the initial showcase, and have been excited about the possibilities. We created the Dyndrite ADK to help machine builders unlock the power of their process and rapidly bring new manufacturing solutions to market,” says Harshil Goel, founder and CEO, Dyndrite. “We are excited to see how the VLM technology will be productized with an eye towards manufacturing productivity and multi-material applications. BCN3D is about to generate some very interesting IP and we are excited to be the math engine that plays a part in unlocking it.”

The first official showcase of this joint venture will take place at the Rapid + TCT event on May 2-4, 2023, at Dyndrite Booth 3324, McCormick Place — West Building, Chicago, IL. Both companies will explain and illustrate the benefits of this collaboration while showcasing 3D printed parts made with VLM.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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