DST Releases New Version of Dynamic Designer Motion for Solid Edge

Perform kinematic and dynamic motion simulation on mechanical assemblies.

Perform kinematic and dynamic motion simulation on mechanical assemblies.

DST (Design Simulation Technologies) announced the release of Dynamic Designer Motion (DDM) for Solid Edge V10.0, which brings increased integration between DDM and Solid Edge Simulation.

Dynamic Designer Motion for Solid Edge performs kinematic and dynamic motion simulation on mechanical assemblies designed in Siemens’ Solid Edge CAD system. DDM is integrated into Solid Edge as an add-on and extends the Solid Edge User interface and simulation capabilities to include kinematics and dynamics. These simulations are performed right inside of Solid Edge directly on the parts and assemblies without requiring any data translation.

The solution introduces a new capability that allows the dynamic forces calculated by DDM to be directly applied to a Solid Edge Simulation Study, thereby allowing the stresses that result from the dynamic loads to be calculated in a seamless and accurate manner, the company says.

“One of the biggest challenges for designers of moving parts and assemblies is answering the fundamental questions that determine whether their design is a good one or not,” said Alan Wegienka, President of DST. “DDM allows the performance of a design to be evaluated, answering the question ‘Does it work?’, and the new integration with Solid Edge Simulation allows the question ‘Will it break?’ to be quickly and easily answered also.”

For more information, visit DST.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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