DIAdem 10.0 Manages Test Data

Built-in data-mining tool lets you search across data files without requiring advanced degree in database queries.

Built-in data-mining tool lets you search across data files without requiring advanced degree in database queries.

By DE Editors

National Instruments (NI; Austin, TX) has released of DIAdem 10.0, thelatest version of its interactive tool for mathematical and visual testdata inspection, analysis, and report generation. Key to v10.0 is theDIAdem DataFinder, a data-miming tool that enables engineers andscientists to perform Internet-like searches across data files,regardless of format, at a fraction of the cost and without themaintenance challenges of traditional IT-supported data managementsolutions, according to the company.

The DIAdem DataFinder uses the NI technical data management (TDM) datamodel as its internal data structure. TDM files, written natively usingNI LabVIEW data storage VIs (virtual instruments) or NI LabWindows/CVIstorage functions, provide three levels of hierarchy to structure testdata—file, group, and channel—a set of attributes that increasesthe range of possible search conditions. Although optimized to workwith TDM files, the DIAdem DataFinder can search across all data files,such as such as Excel, Minitab,  MSC ADAMS, and Pspice, for whichthere is an associated DIAdem DataPlugin.

Engineers can perform simple searches or advanced searches based on keydescriptive information. For example, you can use the DIAdem DataFinderto search for all tests with a specific serial number, status, and testtype. After narrowing the data set, you then can use DIAdem to performfurther analysis and reporting.

DIAdem DataFinder also gives engineers and managers the ability toestablish and uncover anomalies or trends in their data. With DIAdemyou can automate repetitive analysis and reporting tasks usingVBScript, and DIAdem is capable of working with data files that containmore than 100 billion data values

Click here to sign up for an evaluation copy of DIAdem 10.0. Forcomplete details on DIAdem 10.0, click here to visit the DIAdem information page on NationalInstruments website.

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