March 1, 2006
By DE Editors
Geometric Software Solutions(Mumbai, India) has announced theimmediate availability of GeomCaliper for CATIA V5 version 1.3. Thecompany says GeomCaliper provides you the ability to measure thethickness within 3Dmodels during the early design stages of consumer products, plasticinjection-molded parts, castings, and powertrain part design.
GeomCaliper 1.3 is said to provide advanced visualization capabilitiesfor both 2D (in section) and 3D thickness, enabling you to focus onareas of interest quickly. It features reporting tools in XML/HTMLformat to share findings with dispersed design teams quickly.Additionally, with this release of GeomCaliper users can clip models atany section and control the positioning of cutting planes for thicknessanalysis at a section. Other features include the ability to checkcritical wall thickness at hidden areas in the model and automaticallylocate critical thickness areas through innovative visualization.
GeomCaliper 1.3 is supported on CATIA V5 R12, R13, R14, R15 and R16. A15-day trial version of is available on Geometric’s website. Click herefor more.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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