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Design Solutions Extend PTC Windchill and PTC Creo

ETRAGE releases application for PTC Windchill – SharePoint integration application and four additional solutions for PTC community.

ETRAGE LLC has announced the availability of its PTC Windchill – SharePoint integration application. This application, says the company, enables users to integrate PTC Windchill and Microsoft SharePoint so that the systems can pass key design information bidirectionally. In a related announcement, ETRAGE also released four additional solutions for the PTC community.

SharePoint PTC Windchill – Microsoft SharePoint provides for the bidirectional exchange of data between Microsoft SharePoint and Windchill PLM systems. Image courtesy of ETRAGE LLC.

The PTC Windchill – SharePoint integration application, says the company, enables users to leverage the ease-of-use of SharePoint and the power of the Windchill PLM (product lifecycle management) system. This provides users a cohesive strategy and streamlined distribution of data throughout the enterprise. Additionally, the technology that connects SharePoint and Windchill can be extended to integrate other third-party enterprise systems such as manufacturing resource planning (MRP), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM).

Windchill Easy Search ETRAGE PTC Windchill EasySearch offers the capability to deliver desired design data to third parties quickly without compromising critical data. Image courtesy of ETRAGE LLC.

ETRAGE cites the key benefits of the PTC Windchill – SharePoint Integration application as including:

  • Bidirectional exchange of data between SharePoint and Windchill PLM
  • Transfer of BOM (bill of materials), drawings, part numbers, attributes and more
  • Automatic detection of lifecycle or revision changes or, at check-in, automatic detection of objects in Windchill
  • A flexible, modular data transfer “backbone,” with SharePoint and PLM-specific plug-ins
  • Transactional operation, complete with a retry mechanism in case of failure
  • Observable in real-time; fast and scalable; database-portable
  • Out-of-box functionality and flexibility at a competitive price
At the recent PTC Live Global Conference, ETRAGE announced four additional solutions for the PTC community: PTC Windchill EasySearch, ETRAGE SmartPDF, Drawing Notes Search for PTC Creo Parametric in Windchill, and WXML Universal Integrator for Windchill.

Note4 InSmart PDF ETRAGE SmartPDF offers the ability to obtain referenced note text as an annotation each time a user hovers their mouse over the note symbol in a PDF. Image courtesy of ETRAGE LLC.

ETRAGE says Windchill EasySearch offers companies a fast, optimized mechanism for delivering design data to customers, suppliers and purchasers while restricting their access to critical or confidential design data. The software’s customizable search mechanisms provide options to look for a file name, number, context and object type. With search results, users can list files as well as view and download representation files and secondary files. Administrators can impose restrictions on actions performed by users on the design data by defining user access rights through Windchill context roles and Windchill profiles.

ETRAGE SmartPDF helps you optimize drawing notes and section views in inspection documents. This application supplies you with the ability to view referenced note text as an annotation any time you hover a mouse over the note symbol in a PDF. It provides functionality for selecting section view callout symbols, and automatically changes the drawing sheet’s view. It also adds annotations and zone references to created PDF documents. SmartPDF is an add-on to the ETRAGE Plot Service for PTC Windchill, which extends representations of product and engineering data from Windchill for distribution beyond design and engineering functions.

Drawing Notes Search for PTC Creo Parametric in Windchill is a web-based application that helps you create a reference resource for notes in PTC Creo drawings. It provides an automatic method for capturing notes in PTC Creo drawings and storing them in a MySQL or Oracle database. You can manage stored notes by searching and selecting on a drawing name or number, note character string or drawing attribute. You can sort and review notes, and you can open drawings for editing from a link in an application. You can also export note lists in Excel or CSV formats.

Drawing Notes Search ETRAGE Drawing Notes Search for PTC Creo Parametric and PTC Windchill provides an automatic method for capturing notes from Creo drawings and storing them in a MySQL or Oracle database from which they are accessible across the enterprise and global supply chain. Image courtesy of ETRAGE LLC.

The WXML Universal Integrator for Windchill, says ETRAGE, is for companies looking for an easy to deploy, out-of-the-box program to integrate Windchill with an ERP system. It allows for the automatic export of BOM metadata and viewable files from Windchill in structured XML and PDF format files to a Windows folder.

“Over the years we’ve gotten to know the customer community well,” said Bojan Rapaic, president of ETRAGE, in a press announcement. “We understand their engineering requirements and can help them in solving complex problems with product and services at a very competitive price.”

In addition to developing software, ETRAGE offers a range of technical services, including systems integration, design process automation, data migration and customization of PLM/PDM, ERP systems and 3D solid modeling mechanical CAD systems.

For more information on the PTC Windchill – SharePoint Integration application, visit ETRAGE.

Go here for more on Windchill EasySearch.

Go here for more on ETRAGE SmartPDF.

Go here for more on Drawing Notes Search for PTC Creo Parametric in Windchill.

Go here for more on the WXML Universal Integrator for Windchill.

Learn more about ETRAGE’s technical service capabilities.

See why DE’s Editors selected ETRAGE’s PTC Windchill – SharePoint integration application as their Pick of the Week.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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Anthony J. Lockwood

Anthony J. Lockwood is Digital Engineering’s founding editor. He is now retired. Contact him via [email protected].

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