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December 10, 2012
By DE Editors
DEM Solutions , a discrete element method (DEM) simulation specialist, announced the availability of the EDEM BulkSim suite of design engineering solutions developed specifically to address bulk materials handling challenges in the global mining industry. The solution enables simulation-based design of production-critical bulk materials handling equipment, such as chutes and transfer points.
“The mining industry has unique challenges in handling and processing its raw product at the scale now common in high-producing mines,” said John Favier, CEO and founder ofDEM Solutions . “Due to the tonnage of ore or coal involved there are massive cost implications to mine site operations of equipment failure and unscheduled down time. Conveyor transfer equipment is crucial to the transport and handling of thousands of tons of mined materials per hour and is a major pain point for mine operators.”
According to the company, the ability to simulate this equipment reduces front-end design costs and shortens development time.
For more information, visit
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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