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March 25, 2013
DEM Solutions announced the release of EDEM 2.5 Software with increased scalability and performance to simulate complex bulk particle processes required by the global equipment manufacturing and process industries. EDEM 2.5 further expands the functionality of the EDEM API to model particle processes such as drying, sorption and coating involved in manufacturing processes in industries including minerals processing, metals manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, consumer packaged goods and food processing.
The solutions new API capabilities provide engineers an enhanced set of capabilities for simulation of particle processes such as particle breakage in crushing and milling of ore in comminution circuits, coating of tablets, pellets and food products, and removal or take-up of liquids and gases by particles. It expands on the existing capability to customize the properties of each particle, contacts with other particles and interaction with equipment and surrounding fluid or EMAG fields by enabling the size and shape of particles to change, as well as dynamic creation and disappearance of particles in response to the physical process conditions.
For more information, visit DEM Solutions.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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