Delta Tau Data Systems Power PMAC Motion and Machine Controller
General-purpose embedded computer has built-in motion- and machine-control application.
Latest News
April 20, 2011
By DE Editors
Delta Tau Data Systems’ Power PMAC Motion and Machine Controller has a full-featured, real-time operating system.
With the Power PMAC operating as a hub, users are able to interface with almost any remote device via the Power PMAC’s open hardware and software architecture, according to the company.
The unit can be used as a dedicated controller or a general-purpose computer that provides built-in routines to command the occasional move through the use of programming languages. The controller can be programmed in several languages simultaneously, including the Power PMAC’s built-in Script Language that can handle motion sequences as well as general machine and I/O logic; graphical programming in any of five formats specified in IEC-61131 including ladder logic and sequential function charts; and in C for advanced programmers who wish to write servo, phase, PLC and general-purpose applications. Other languages accepted include G-Code, MatLab/Simulink, LabVIEW and EPICS.
Features of the Power PMAC include an 800MHz or 1GHz RISC processor with hardware floating-point engine; up to 4GB of error-correcting RAM; 100-Base-T and 1000-Base T Ethernet TCP/IP communications; standard interfaces to support keyboards, video cameras, disk drives, and other peripherals; built-in web server to support direct browser access for development and maintenance; the ability to control up to 256 motors in up to 128 independent coordinate systems simultaneously; and the ability to accept RS-274 G-code programs.
For more information, visit Delta Tau Data Systems.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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