Delcam Unveils New Version of PowerSHAPE CAD Software

New direct modeling options help prepare product designs for tooling.

New direct modeling options help prepare product designs for tooling.

By DE Editors

Delcam has added a range of direct modeling options to the 2012 release of its PowerSHAPE CAD software. The PowerSHAPE options are focused on design for manufacture, in particular on preparing product designs for the development of moulds and other types of tooling.  

According to Delcam, many product designers still produce designs with insufficient draft, making it impossible to remove the as-designed part from its tooling, so the ability to add draft to solid models is expected to be useful in these scenarios. This can be done either by using a specific value or by modifying the model interactively. The change can be applied to a single surface or to a group of surfaces,  such as the sides of a pocket.  In the latter case, the software will maintain the radii of any fillets linking the sides.

The solution can also help replace impractically sized fillets. Small fillets require extra machining time so they extend delivery times and increase costs. In addition, they can restrict the flow of material in moulds or dies, so increasing processing times and pressures. PowerSHAPE can use direct modeling to identify fillets within imported geometry, even when the modeling history has been lost.  They can then be replaced with new fillets having more suitable radii.

The thickness modification option can be used to add machining allowances before manufacturing, as when adding material to the split surfaces of a mould or when offsetting surfaces to create electrode designs from tooling designs.

Other features that can be identified within “dumb geometry include holes, pockets, cuts and bosses.  Intelligent manufacturing information can be added to the features and passed to Delcams PowerMILL CAM system.  

For more information, visit Delcam.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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