Delcam to Launch PowerINSPECT 2013

Company will hold half-day seminar on new release on April 23.

Company will hold half-day seminar on new release on April 23.

Delcam will launch the 2013 version of its PowerINSPECT inspection software with a free half-day seminar at its Birmingham headquarters on April 23.

The 2013 release offers dual-device inspection options that allow measurement with two portable devices at the same time. This is an extension of the functionality for dual-column CMMs included in the 2012 R2 release.

Other enhancements include improved handling of point-cloud data, group editing of probing parameters, graphical editing of boundaries for raster-based inspection, more flexibility in programming dual-column CMMs, and easier measurement and marking out when using PowerINSPECT for clay modelling.

For more information, visit Delcam.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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