Datakit Technical Data Exchange Solutions v2024.3 Released

The aim of additional functionalities included in the V2024.3 is to ease how the user works while enhancing exchange of data. the company says.

The aim of additional functionalities included in the V2024.3 is to ease how the user works while enhancing exchange of data. the company says.

The latest technical data exchange solutions release offers full compatibility with new versions of third-party vendors CAD software. Image courtesy of Datakit.

Datakit has released version 2024.3 of technical data exchange solutions, full compatibility with new versions of third-party vendors CAD software, and their solution to write PLM XML files*.

Note that the solution to read PLM XML was already available.

This written solution for PLM XML files* allows to write the assembly tree with all the nodes and links related to external parts, as well as instances and all metadatas available, such as attributes. As a consequence, the use of this compact open format facilitates the access of all the data registered all over the life cycle of a product.

The latest 2024.3 version ensures compatibility with the following software solutions:

  • Creo 11.0,
  • Fusion 2.0.19426,
  • Inventor 2025,
  • Opencascade 7.8.0,
  • Revit 2025.

The aim of additional functionalities included in the V2024.3 is to ease how the user works while enhancing exchange of data.

Among significant developments:

  • Retrieval of the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the part designed with STEP or Catia V6,
  • Semantic information of SolidEdge as well as SOLIDWORKS are provided,
  • Options to read CGR mesh data only and to process ProE / Creo Parametric Nurbs surface. Files become lighter and displayed quicker,
  • Improved robustness of IFC even for ifc .ifcxml .ifczip corrupted files,
  • Improved color and visibility management as well as processing of surface elements of
  • Handle level of Revit detail geometry with additional filter,
  • And for the users of JT write translators, the possibility to write the textures

To learn more about the version, visit the website

*PLM XML is a published schema for PLM data represented in Siemens Digital Industries Software applications to facilitate product lifecycle interoperability.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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