Dassault Systemes Announces Isight 5.6 for Simulation Automation and Design Optimization

Latest release accelerates design space exploration with smarter optimization.

Latest release accelerates design space exploration with smarter optimization.

By DE Editors

Dassault Systemes announced the availability of Isight 5.6, the company’s open desktop solution for simulation process automation and design optimization from SIMULIA, Dassault’s simulation brand. Isight 5.6 includes enhancements in optimization, modeling and simulation integration, and postprocessing.

Isight provides designers, engineers and researchers with an open system for integrating design and simulation models “created with various CAD, CAE and other software applications “to automate the execution of hundreds or thousands of simulations. According to the company, Isight allows users to save time and improve their products by optimizing them against performance or cost metrics through statistical methods such as Design of Experiments (DOE) or Design for Six Sigma.
The new version provides a reliability analysis technique for importance sampling that allows users to compute and sample around the most probable point of failure in a design. When compared to sampling around the mean value point, importance sampling requires orders of magnitude fewer evaluations for the same accuracy in predicting the probability of failure or success.
The latest release includes updates to the Abaqus component to support multiple Abaqus/CAE cases by providing users with the option to parse all detected input files and create output parameters for multiple analyses. Improvements to the Data Matching component enable the definition and matching of multiple data sets within multiple ranges.

For more information, visit Dassault Systemes.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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