Dassault-i2 Partnership Advances

Dassault Systèmes acquires center for the development of next-generation, 3D-based sourcing solutions for collaborative PLM

Dassault Systèmes acquires center for the development of next-generation, 3D-based sourcing solutions for collaborative PLM

By DE Editors

On June 27, Dassault Systèmes (Paris, France) and i2 Technologies,Inc. (Dallas, TX) announced that Dassault Systèmes has completed theplanned acquisition of a center for the development of sourcingsolutions for collaborative PLM from i2 for approximately $10million.  According to the joint announcement, this marks animportant milestone in their strategic partnership for the developmentof sourcing solutions for PLM based on the Dassault Systèmes V5platform.

The intent of the Dassault-i2 partnership, first announced on May 10,is to enable cross-functional visibility and close collaborationbetween the engineering and sourcing communities, bringing sourcingconsiderations to the engineer’s desktop, and engineering criteria and3D digital mockup to the sourcing specialist.  

The ongoing partnership will continue to bring together DassaultSystèmes’ PLM expertise and V5 platform, along with sourcing expertiseand SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) upgrades from i2. i2 willalso continue to develop and sell its SRM solutions and support itscustomers.

Solutions produced through the partnership will be DassaultSystèmes-branded and will provide benefits such as the ability todesign for supply, enhanced re-use management, optimized component andsubsystem lifecycle management, and converging engineering and sourcingprocesses. What this means is that engineers will be able to optimizedesign by taking into account part-sourcing information such asobsolescence, availability, and their companies’ sourcing preferencesearly in the design cycle.

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