DAPstudio 2.5 PC-Based Measurement Software Available

Data acquisition processor measurement system designer offers waterfall displays with rotating colors.

Data acquisition processor measurement system designer offers waterfall displays with rotating colors.

By DE Editors

DAPstudio 2.5, the latest release of the Data Acquisition Processor (DAP) measurement application from Microstar Laboratories, Inc.(Bellevue, WA), displays live data in several formats, including bargraph, line graph, and waterfall. Each format has an optional 3D viewdesigned to make it easy to see different shapes on different channels.According to Microstar, the flat view means values can be measured moreprecisely. Tool buttons let you toggle between the views.

The waterfall line-graph implementation gives a quick overview ofmillions of data points through a moving window, and lets you look atspectra over both frequency and time simultaneously. Optional rotatingcolors for the waveforms in a waterfall graph allow a specific spectrumto move back in time with the same color.

DAPstudio is said to be designed to make it easy to develop a PC-based measurementsystem with one or more DAP boards. Each DAP board gives your system anadditional processor running a real-time operating system—DAPL—that youcontrol from a Windows application. This extra resource is intended tofree your application from system delays and to let you apply computingpower when and where needed. It means you can sample data and control aprocess anywhere, anytime. You can analyze spectra in real time andyour application responds reliably.

DAPstudio can be used to run two or more DAP boards, in the same PC oron a network, together as a single synchronized system using DAP-to-DAPcommunications. Microstar Laboratories recently delivered a 128-channelsystem (16-boards) to a customer that acquires simultaneous samples of16-bit data at high speed with an input range from ±10mv to ±10v onevery channel.

DAPstudio allows users to use a mouse to select and deselect channels,set all or some of them to certain values, apply gains selectively,etc. The program also documents your work. Price: $199.

To learn more or download a free trial version of DAPstudio 2.5, visit mstarlabs.com.
 Sources: Press materials received from the company. 

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