Daat Updates CoolitDC

Thermal modeling software for data centers boasts increased performance.

Thermal modeling software for data centers boasts increased performance.

By DE Editors

Daat Research Corp. has released CoolitDC v5.0, the company’s CFD thermal modeling software for data centers. The company has boosted solver performance by 30%, and increased preprocessor performance over 10-fold to permit building larger models in less time.

The software includes an intuitive user interface, and has added a highly accurate turbulence flow model fine-tuned for data center modeling. The new release also includes rack data import from Excel and from CAD files for faster and more efficient model building. In addition, optimized grid generation enhances the user experience and creates more robust models.

For more information, visit Daat Research.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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