Crowdfunded ‘Roboy’ to Debut

A team of researchers in Zurich turned to crowdfunding to launch an ambitious robotics project—developing an advanced, humanoid service robot in just nine months.

The project is being spearheaded by the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the University of Zurich. Dubbed Roboy, the cuddly-looking robot will be constructed using a human-like, tendon-driven design (rather than having motors in its joints). The new robot builds on work done at Sussex University on a tendon-driven robot called ECCE.

A number of companies and other organizations are providing components and software for the project, including Maxon Motor, Baumer Electric (which provides some of the sensors), the Technical University of Munich, Starmind, and SEDAX.

In addition to relying entirely on sponsorships and private donations, the robot will also be built with an open-source technology model. Keeping with that democratic design spirit, the team let Roboy’s Facebook friends vote on their favorite head design.

The robot will be unveiled at the Robots on Tour (possibly riding a bicycle) on March 8-9, 2013, in Zurich.

See the video below, or connect with Roboy on Facebook here.

Source: Kurzweil

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Brian Albright

Brian Albright is the editorial director of Digital Engineering. Contact him at [email protected].

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