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Creaform and Dassault Systemes to Offer CATIA V5

PLM solution will serve 3D technology including laser scanning, RE, and CAD.

PLM solution will serve 3D technology including laser scanning, RE, and CAD.

By DE Editors

In Creaform‘s (Levis, Quebec) announced value-added reseller (VAR) partnership with Dassault Systemes, a 3D and PLM solutions provider, Creaform can now sell CATIA V5 and Dassault Systemes’ PLM solution to its customer base throughout Canada and the U.S.

Within the scope of this partnership, and in addition to Dassault’s product offering, Creaform can offer its clients laser scanning, reverse engineering (RE), and CAD solutions at a competitive price. When packaged with one of the laser scanners from the Handyscan 3DTM lineup of products and the Handyscan Scanning ModulTM (HSMTM) data acquisition software, CATIA V5 offers a true RE solution and CAD platform on the market.

Creaform and Dassault Systemes partnership in a CAA program began February 2007, under which the HSMTM was developed. This data acquisition software integrates the process of scanning 3D objects with the Handyscan 3DTM laser scanners, as well as most VxScanTM functions and features, into CATIA V5. The software also outputs a CATIA V5 file ready for postprocessing, model reconstruction, surfacing, and 3D inspection operations to gain efficiency.

For more, go to Creaform.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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